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5 Success Tips for CPA Landing Pages on WordPress


WordPress is the one of the best and most popular CMS on the internet and its fantastic for CPA landing pages too. I’m going to go over five success tips for the 2 combined together.


If you’re not familiar with WordPress, in a nutshell, it’s actually blogging software, but it’s super flexible and has a phenomenal amount of plugins, themes and support. I’d particularly recommend it for people who are not too confident with web design and web development.
CPA is simply an internet marketing method, short for “cost per acquisition”, you get paid for generating leads through content you publish; CPA can be incentivized or non-incentivized.

If you’re looking for a great CPA network then try CPAGrip, it’s worked wonders for me and many others.

CPA Landing Page Success Tips

1. Use SEO Plugins

Simply using Yoast SEO Plugin will optimize a CPA landing page, the true power comes through when tied in with consistency too.

2. Content Marketing Consistency

Many people tend to make a CPA landing page and leave it in the hopes that it’ll earn some money when it gets indexed later in life; this is possibly the worst thing that you can do, as you need to be consistent. Not only does consistency tell Google and other search engines that your website is alive and relevant, but it will create further streams of traffic as more pages are indexed. If you are able to give tutorials, news or guides for your CPA niche then do so and you’ll be amazed at how much traffic will be wind up on your site.

3. Make use of the “static home page” feature

When used in line with the above 2 methods, you can create a great landing page that not only looks the part, but helps your site rank well with extra content to increase your relevance, SEO and earnings. One thing that I would recommend you to do is keep in theme with all of your blog posts, consistency throughout the site makes your site look more professional and will increase conversions.

4. Optimize your page speed

While agreeably, a single .html file sat on a server somewhere is going to load relatively quick in comparison with the php riddled WordPress CMS, it’s rarely going to outperform due to lack of flexibility with SEO and optimization. WordPress plugins such as W3 Total CacheEWWW Image Optimiser and JetPack will do wonders for your site and there’s one thing that Google loves (apart from its 45% adsense revenue share from all YouTube partners), it’s page speed optimization.

5. Social Media Plugins

WordPress has some fantastic plugins that will aid you to send to your CPA landing page viral, aside from the obvious social sharing buttons from the likes of Shareoholic and JetPack, there are a few social lockers such as Like Locker which will force your traffic to like/share your content on social media to get access, this sets off a chain of events which will see people sharing your content like crazy.


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